segunda-feira, julho 09, 2007

Learning Strategy

A estratégia de aprendizagem que o estudante da Língua Inglesa adota é bem particular. Como professor dessa disciplina, gostaria de saber como os alunos da Universidade Federal do Acre, Campus Floresta, preferem estudar o inglês como segunda língua. Estou divulgando aqui a minha estratégia de aprendizagem coletada pela professora Drª Vera Menezes, líder do Projeto AMFALE da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Na época, eu era aluno da Especializacao em Língua Inglesa, PUC-Minas - Belo Horizonte. Por favor, deixe o seu comentário com sua estratégia de aprendizagem, nome completo, idade, curso e série. Um grande abraço e bons estudos.

Para saber mais sobre o projeto da referida professora visite
Estratégia Coletada pela prof.ª Dr.ª  Vera Meneses de Oliveira e Paiva - Professora titular da área de Língua Inglesa da UFMG
Nome: Jose Mauro Souza Uchoa
Idade: 24
Escolaridade: cursando pós-graduaçao
Narrativa coletada por prof. Drª. Vera Menezes de Oliveira e Paiva

When I was seventeen, I got my fist part-time job at the Federal University of Acre working as a computer operator. The software was only in English. Although I’ve studied English at high school I didn’t know anything about it. So, I decided to study English because I would like to go to the university too. After I get the university I became baffling because my level was lower than I was expecting for. I thought the only way to overcome this difficulty was by studying and having as much exposure to native-speaker. So, it was a big problem because I didn’t know any native-speaker. After trying so hard in accelerate my learning process and make it more enjoyable I decided to go to the internet and find a useful strategy. As a result, I found VOA, an American company that has carried world news to listeners around the globe. Still today I go to VOA web site to read the script news. I use a computer program called RealPlayer to listen to the audio which is recorded by native-speaker. I always download the audio file and I save it in MP3 format. At night, when I go to bed I put it to play in my MP3 Player and I try to practice the listening.

8 comentários:

  1. Esse método de aprendizagem é muito eficiente pois escutando um nativo da língua falando fica mais fácil de aprender como se pronuncia as palavras, e quando voçê tem realmente vontade de aprender uma língua voçê procura todos os meios possíveis que possam lhe ajudar nesse processo. Eu, como estudante de inglês, procuro melhorar minha pronúncia assistindo a filmes com o aúdio em inglês e também ouvindo músicas tentando acompanhar a letra e, assim, eu gravo a pronúncia das palavras em minha mente.

    Amanda Diniz
    1 período inglês/ UFAC

  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  3. E`bastante interessante o meio que voce utilizou para aprender como pronunciar as palavras em ingles.
    Meu processo de aprendizagem é diferente,pois eu me utilizo das musicas, de filmes e cd-room de cursinhos de ingles .

  4. O método usado por vc é ótimo, desse modo fica mais fácil como pronunciar as palavras. Para isso eu ouço músicas em inglês, vejo filmes e converso com colegas que tenham uma boa pronúncia e els me ajudam a aprender mais.

    Lia Rachel de Oliveira Silva
    1 período de inglês/UFAC
    P.S.: Professor, eu não dipunha de e-mail no presente momento, então postei pelo da Amanda.

  5. I think the best way to learn English (or any other language) is live in another country, even for a short period of time. The contact with native speaker is the best way to increase our communication, especially speech. However, sometimes this strategy isn’t easy... by many reasons. Then, I try to use the Internet to resolve this “problem”. I have a friend who lives in United States and when is possible I practice my English with her through the Internet (msn and skipe). Recently I also subscribed “Speak Up” Magazine, a good way to practice listening and reading and at the same time to read nice articles. After all, if you are alone in your studies, you can subscribe, which offers classes online with native professors. Finally, translate songs and try to watch movies without subtitles also can help you to increase your English.

  6. My learning strategy is a little different of yours. I don't like to use internet (only if it is extremally necessary) and I don't have access at home. So, I like to listen to gospel music and love songs in english and I try to copy what I understand. After, I take the lirics to correct my mistakes. Other way that I use to improve my vocabulary is translate texts. Another way is to talk to my friend Cristina and her parents(native speakers), but it is not so easy meet her: I have to go to her house on weekends or go to Baptist Church... If I was not so lazy my english would be better...

  7. I tried speaking English trhought my learning strategy which is reading some texts,listening english music, watch movie and so one. But I would like
    pratice english with native language, because we will acquire more knowledge about these global language which is English.To me learning english can be difficult but if you have good strategies can be more easier... we should pratice more english conversation in a high school and elementary school!! I think can be better for english learning more easier!!! congratulation professor Mauro by your blogger!!!!

  8. My learning strategy is very common. I listen music with lyrics and translation. I watch movies with subtitle in English. Internet is a method very efficient to learn English, ‘because we can find some sites that talk about this theme, talk with people searching others methods to learn, like in Portuguese, we have some links about nowadays news with translations of most difficult sentences. But for me, it’s nicer when you listens your favorite music and learn other language, available only for headbangers.
